As graduation approaches, we would like to take the time to celebrate our seniors! Congratulations to the Boyer Valley Class of 2024!
11 months ago, Benjamin Schauer
The JH track meet @ Underwood has been rescheduled for Mon 4/22 @ 4:00.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Ms. Megan's students practiced social skills at Goodfellows (restaurant in Woodbine) and the Crew Center! They had a blast!
11 months ago, Boyer Valley
Today's (4/16) JH track meet at Underwood has been cancelled.
11 months ago, Curtis Maassen
Please take note of our spring music performance schedule! See Mr. Schauer and Mrs. Stowers if you have any questions. We hope you’ll join us! 🎶🎶🎶
11 months ago, Benjamin Schauer
The fourth graders have a business partnership with Sullivan Supplies. This year, the kids had an opportunity to make a label for one of their products that they wanted to freshen up. The kids designed a label and put it before their marketing team to see if their idea would be used on one of their products. Today, the students visited Sullivan Supplies. They learned how the management team works together, spends time on marketing and customer service, and how going to weekend shows boosts their business. The students learned about shipping, mail, ground shipping, and freight. It was a great visit for the kids to hear and see what happens at Sullivan Supplies. Several students hope someday to work at Sullivan Supplies. This is how we grow our own, getting young people excited about our local businesses. Special thanks to Tessa and Matt!
11 months ago, Scott Frohlich
ware house
Group Picture
Kindergarten and 3rd Grade enjoyed reading outside today!
11 months ago, Julie Burhoop
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies
The location of the girls golf meet on Monday 4/22 has changed. The girls will now be playing at Carroll Country Club. Boys will still be at Coon Rapids. 4:00 starts at both locations.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
We had a great Mom's Night for our preschoolers. The Mario theme was a hit!
11 months ago, Cara Preul
preschool teachers
rainbow road
Mario circuit
Mario sensory
Mario run
Photo frames
rainbow road
Mario toss
There's been a change to the location of the boys golf meet on Monday 4/15, the boys will now play at Woodbine. The girls will still be in Dunlap as originally scheduled. 4:00 starts at both locations.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
As part of, Boyer Valley 8th graders joined 1,800 other 8th graders from 3 states to hear from Holocaust survivor Inge Auerbacher. Inge survived the Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia from the ages of 7-10 and remembers it as clear as day. Her message, along with a Kristallnacht Production and a message from a second generation survivor, Elyn Shindler Moldow, was to find something in common with every person you meet and to learn to live together. The students were also able to visit the Sioux City Railroad Museum where they got inside a train car much like the one in which Holocaust victims were transported.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
8th 1
8th 2
8th 3
The three-year-old preschoolers have been learning about fruits and vegetables; they grew carrots in their classroom. Mr. Frohlich wants a bite, a FUN office visit for all!
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
3 year old
Oliver and Mr. F
Grandparents, mark your calendars! Grandparents play a significant role in their grandchildren's lives, offering love and care and sometimes even taking on a caregiving role. Grandparents Day will be April 29th for Kindergarten—2nd grade students at Boyer Valley Elementary School. This event will start at 1:00 p.m. and conclude at 2:30 p.m. We are excited that you will visit us!
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
We would like to thank Jay and Lyn Randall for their support of our art department. The prints they donated to our art room are very much appreciated and will surely inspire creativity in our students for years to come.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
The HS Boys Track meet at Underwood has been moved from Thursday 4/11 to Friday 4/12. Events will still start at 4:30.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Solar Eclipse 2024
11 months ago, Julie Burhoop
The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) is upon us! 3rd-5th grades will conduct their testing this week, and 6th-11th grades will conduct their testing over the next three weeks. Please remind your students of the importance of these assessments and then set them up for success by following the testing tip guidelines. With your help, we know our Bulldogs will rock this!
11 months ago, Benjamin Schauer
If interested in bidding the turf maintenance at Boyer Valley, please see the attachment. Bids are due Friday, April 12th at 3 pm.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Request for Bid
Kindergarten had a special reader today, school board member, Paul Cogdill! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read to the students!
11 months ago, Julie Burhoop
Boyer Valley will be charging $5 admission for students and adults at the JH Meet on Monday 4/8. Tickets are available via Bound or with a card at the gate.
11 months ago, Boyer Valley CSD