Two BV squads are in action this evening! Cross Country has their first meet of the season @ Logan and Volleyball takes on E/EHK & IKM-M @ Manning. #OnwardBV
Sneak peek into the new gymnasium. Concrete was poured yesterday! Exciting times!
It's election year.... and it's your chance to become a voice for Iowa students! BVCSD has 4 board seats up for election this coming November - two for District 2 (Harrison county) and two for District 1 (Crawford, Monona, Shelby counties). Today is the first day candidates may file nomination paperwork with the board secretary. 18 signatures of eligible electors are required for your nomination petition. You can stop by the school to pick up paperwork to complete or visit the Secretary of State's website:
Deadline to submit your nomination papers with the board secretary is Thursday, September 21 at 5:00 p.m.
Due to construction and the punch line, Campus Care in Dow City will not be open until after Labor Day. Please return any paperwork to the office in Dow City ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks, Jeremy Christiansen & Melissa Ritterbush
Announcing our 2023 Homecoming Court! Congratulations to all involved!
Also - make sure to check out all out Spirit Days and Homecoming Week events. It's going to be a GREAT week! Go Bulldogs!
Get your homecoming shirts! Orders are due Sept 4th
Reminder that tickets are available via Bound for tomorrow's football game. Tickets can also be purchased at the gate with a credit or debit card. All tickets are $7, no fees added.
There's only 15 hours left to get your BV backpacks, store closes at MIDNIGHT! These can be used in place of the issued Chromebook cases. Don't miss out!
The school year has begun, and so has the Teammates season! We are looking for mentors to inspire young people to reach their full potential! Teammates is a program where mentors and mentees are matched based on their interests and goals. Mentors meet with mentees once a week to do fun activities, or just to have a good conversation and build relationships! If you're interested, please go to the attached link for more information, or contact Megan Behrendt at 712-592-0990,
Boyer Valley Elementary is off to a FABULOUS start to the school year! Thanks to all the teachers for preparing for a GREAT start to the school year! "Go Bulldogs"
Here's the schedule of events for Homecoming Week! #OnwardBV
Boyer valley football team is looking for a lift to finish painting goal posts. Would only need it for a couple hours. Please contact the school if you can help out.
Reminder that we have a couple sales ending soon!
The BV backpack sale ends on Thurs 8/24, get yours at this link:
Then our HS fall sports are selling discount cards through Fri 8/25 so find a VB, FB, or XC athlete to get your card!
The volleyball team will host a sports drink scrimmage tomorrow night vs Logan-Magnolia at 5:00. Bring some sports drinks and support our volleyball girls.
JH football practice will be from 9-10 am tomorrow 8/21 and Tuesday 8/22. Then after school on Wednesday and Thursday.
Our community has been reeling from the recent losses of Colin Garrett and Michael Heistand, both wonderful men who were heavily dedicated to the farming profession. The generosity of the public is indicative of the impact they left on so many people as many, many donations have been received in their honor. With that said, we would like to clarify where donations should be sent, if you wish to still contribute. Donations for Colin should be made out to "Boyer Valley FFA" and mailed or dropped off to the High School at 1102 Iowa Ave, Dunlap, IA 51529. Donations for Michael should be made out to "Boyer Valley Ag Foundation" (this is separate from the FFA and not affiliated with the school) and mailed or dropped off to Gross & Company at 613 Iowa Ave, Dunlap, IA 51529. Rest assured, if any checks cross locations or are made out to the wrong recipient we are ensuring they get deposited to the rightful place. Thank you to everyone who has contributed in honor of these wonderful men, may their memories live on forever.
Starting this Sunday August 20th, there will be basketball ball handling sessions from 6-7 pm for students grades 4-12. Parents are encouraged to attend as well. This will take place in the Dunlap gym.
Week 0 football game @ Norwalk vs. Moravia.
Admission for tomorrow's football game will be cash only and $6/person.
Livestream will be available on This will be labeled on team1sports as a Norwalk Varsity FB event.
The game will also be broadcast on BVTV ( and
For those that selected "YES" for a free and reduced lunch application during the registration process please see the information attached.