Make-up Cross Country Meet this afternoon! #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Cross Country Meet at Panora
Volleyball @ Glidden tonight! #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Volleyball @ Glidden
First grade students are problem-solving and exercising their critical thinking skills with STEM/TAG activities with Ms. Gross.
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Student working together on STEM and Tag activities.
The Bone of Excellence Award Winners @ Boyer Valley Elem. Congratulations to all students for a great start to the school year! This is a weekly award for students displaying the following: B-Be at school O-On task and focused N-Never give up E-Excellence Go Bulldogs!
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
The Bone of Excellence Award Winners @ Boyer Valley Elem
There is a mistake on the weekly schedule that went out this morning, volleyball on Tuesday is HOME.
over 2 years ago, Curtis Maassen
Events for the week of 9/12 @ Boyer Valley
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Week of 9/12 Event Schedule
Our XC runners are back at it tomorrow morning in Holstein, Good Luck! #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Cross Country Meet at Ridgeview
Volleyball girls are back in action tomorrow morning at West Monona #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Volleyball Tournament at West Monona
Football @ CR-B tonight #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Football Gameday at Coon Rapids
Order your Boyer Valley Homecoming gear! Pick up an order form in both school offices or order online with this link:
over 2 years ago, Benjamin Schauer
Get in the Homecoming Spirit and participate in this year's dress up days! Spirit day themes are consistent between both buildings. Homecoming is the week of September 19-23.
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Homecoming Dress up Days
Congratulations to our CC medalists in Treynor tonight. Patrick Heffernan 1st place, Lauren Malone 12th, Clara Gorham 14th, and Mariah Falkena 17th!
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Boys Champion
Girls Medalist
Meet Day for the XC runners! #GoBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Curtis Maassen
Cross Country Meet at Treynor
There will be a girls basketball player/parent & coaches meeting Thursday 9/8 @ 6:30 PM in the commons.
over 2 years ago, Curtis Maassen
This week at Boyer Valley
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Week of 9/5 Events
Volleyball Tournament @ Missouri Valley tomorrow morning #GOBVBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
VB Tournament @ Missouri Valley 9 AM
Home Football vs. Audubon tonight!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Maassen
Home Football vs Audubon 7 pm
Home matches for our volleyball teams tonight!
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
BV Volleyball home vs. IKM-M
Bulldog Bulletin for elementary parents. - Thanks for your kids!
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Student events in the first week of school and parent information.
First hour Ag class at Schaben’s park investigating local resources.
over 2 years ago, Boyer Valley CSD
Natural Resources class