Make-up Cross Country Meet this afternoon! #GoBVBulldogs

Volleyball @ Glidden tonight! #GoBVBulldogs

First grade students are problem-solving and exercising their critical thinking skills with STEM/TAG activities with Ms. Gross.

The Bone of Excellence Award Winners @ Boyer Valley Elem. Congratulations to all students for a great start to the school year! This is a weekly award for students displaying the following:
B-Be at school
O-On task and focused
N-Never give up
Go Bulldogs!

There is a mistake on the weekly schedule that went out this morning, volleyball on Tuesday is HOME.

Events for the week of 9/12 @ Boyer Valley

Our XC runners are back at it tomorrow morning in Holstein, Good Luck! #GoBVBulldogs

Volleyball girls are back in action tomorrow morning at West Monona #GoBVBulldogs

Football @ CR-B tonight #GoBVBulldogs

Order your Boyer Valley Homecoming gear! Pick up an order form in both school offices or order online with this link:

Get in the Homecoming Spirit and participate in this year's dress up days! Spirit day themes are consistent between both buildings. Homecoming is the week of September 19-23.

Congratulations to our CC medalists in Treynor tonight. Patrick Heffernan 1st place, Lauren Malone 12th, Clara Gorham 14th, and Mariah Falkena 17th!

Meet Day for the XC runners! #GoBVBulldogs

There will be a girls basketball player/parent & coaches meeting Thursday 9/8 @ 6:30 PM in the commons.

This week at Boyer Valley

Volleyball Tournament @ Missouri Valley tomorrow morning #GOBVBulldogs

Home Football vs. Audubon tonight!

Home matches for our volleyball teams tonight!

Bulldog Bulletin for elementary parents. - Thanks for your kids!

First hour Ag class at Schaben’s park investigating local resources.