Girls and Boys Golf scheduled for today at Woodbine has been canceled.
The kindergarten classes went on an Easter egg hunt for WORDS! They each
found 30 words!
Kindergarten finished their Math unit on number patterns within 100. Today, they took the opportunity to make their own hundreds chart!
The Dunlap Campus Care will be closed Thursday and Friday due to staff sickness. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Elementary students worked together to program Sphero Indy cars in small groups during their Computer Science time.
Mrs. Puck's 5th grade had a very special business partner guest, Jeni Martens, visit our classroom today. Jeni taught them all about budgeting, saving, and investing. The kids were really excited and begging her to come back! Thank you, Jeni!
Our preschool students are learning about castles and the shapes they are made out of! Check out some of our creations!
Fifth Grade Flag Essay Contest
Athan Denton won the District 8, Dow City, Post 444. He advanced to the state competition, competing against 4,033 entries, and 100 Posts participated across Iowa. Athan placed second in the state 5th-grade flag essay contest, which is a huge accomplishment! Congratulations to Ms. Puck (teacher) and Athan Denton! Athan is the son of Ashley and Todd Denton. We are proud of you, Athan!
Today's HS track meet @ Woodbine has been cancelled.
Congrats to the cast and crew of CHICAGO: TEEN EDITION on their outstanding performances this weekend!
You've got one more opportunity to see CHICAGO! Join us at 1:30 this afternoon in the BVHS Auditorium for this outstanding show! Tickets can be purchased at door.
You've got TWO MORE CHANCES to see Chicago! Last night's performance was outstanding, and we can't wait to do it again! Join us Saturday at 7:00 and Sunday at 1:30 in the HS auditorium. Tickets are available at the door!
Please see the attached agenda for a special board meeting on Monday night at 6:00 pm for a Public Hearing regarding the FY25 proposed property tax levy.
Please see the attached agenda for the regular school board meeting on Monday, March 25th at 6:15 pm directly following the public hearing on FY25 property tax levy.
Thank you to Becky Eimermann for sharing her love of books with the Kindergarten class today!
There is still room in our 4 year old preschool program! Our 3 year old program currently has a waiting list. Get your child signed up if you have not done so.
MS/HS parents & guardians please check your inboxes for an email about Urban Air and a waiver that must be filled out. Here's a link to the waiver for those planning to go to Urban Air.
It's opening night for CHICAGO! Have you made plans to see it yet? You won't want to miss this one!
Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at
Please see the current openings at Boyer Valley. If interested please see the bottom of the document.
We love seeing our students smile daily; please make every effort to attend school. Students only get one shot at a grade level; the stories and conversations shared during a lesson can't be replaced when students are absent. Educating your son/daughter is our top priority; attendance matters. We appreciate our parents!